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BSNA Transcripts FAQs

TESU prefers to receive transcripts electronically through one of the many secure services with which we participate. If transcripts must be sent by mail, please send to:

Office of the Registrar - BSNA
Thomas Edison State University
111 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608

You can find more information about sending transcripts to TESU here. Please do not send your transcripts to the W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing and Health Professions.


An initial Transcript Evaluator from the Office of the Registrar within 10 business days of receipt of the application and all official transcripts. Once the review is complete, the Office of the Registrar will send you an email notification. At this point, you can make an appointment with the School of Nursing and Health Professions Advisor to discuss the results and the next steps in the application process.


TESU will not evaluate transcripts from other countries. We will accept credit recommendations from one of the following agencies when the recommendations are based on a course by course evaluation and sent on an official transcript to TESU.
