Are You Leading an Intentional Life?

Thomas Edison State University is pleased to announce a new course, Leading an Intentional Life.
This course, based on the book Time to Get Real! and the Life and Career Planning Model©, will help you take control of your career and your life so that you can intentionally move forward in a direction that leads to personal satisfaction and fulfillment.
With the help of this course, you can become the CEO of your own life. The course creates a focus on both your life and career while providing a decision-making tool that can last a lifetime. You will create your own plan while positioning yourself to take advantage of opportunities along the road to your desired vision.
Whether you are 21, 41 or 61 years old, your life is a function of the choices you make.
This self-directed, self-paced, noncredit course is available now for $249. This course will be offered completely online and includes the book, Time to Get Real!
Course Description
This course, based on the book Time to Get Real! and the Life and Career Planning Model©, will help you take control of your career and your life so that you can intentionally move forward in a direction that leads to personal satisfaction and fulfillment. Effective organizations continually review their progress; they evaluate and refine their action plans by examining strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges, the financial climate and the competition. Chief executive officers (CEOs) demand fact-based planning as well as opportunistic action. With the help of this course, you can become the CEO of your own life. You will create your own plan while positioning yourself to take advantage of opportunities along the road to your desired vision.
Surviving and thriving in today’s economy demands a disciplined approach to personal life and career management. What you learn in this course will help you design your own career and life plan so that you can withstand the winds of change and even use those winds to propel you toward a personally successful future.
The Life and Career Planning Model©, which is the focus of this course, has been time-tested in the marketplace by experienced consultants who have seen lives changed through their coaching, courses and seminars. Time to Get Real!, the book accompanying this course, provides numerous resources in addition to the course itself.
Who is this course for?
This course can make a very real difference for anyone just starting out, mid-career or on the glide path to retirement.
How much is this course?
This noncredit, nonrefundable course will be offered for $249.
A 3-credit version will be offered in the future at the University’s current per-credit tuition rate.
How long will the course take to complete?
The course has 14 modules, which align to the 14 chapters of the book. Since this is self-paced, it can take anywhere from 6-16 weeks depending on how much time you dedicate to it.
Why is the University offering a noncredit version of the course?
Many people taking this course may already have degrees or are not seeking a degree.
Can this course really help a 21-year-old, a 41-year-old and a 61-year-old?
Yes. The reason this course can help individuals in any age group is because the Life and Career Planning Model© focuses on the individual where they are in their life and does not differentiate by career. An individual can be working in the business, nonprofit or government sectors, or be retired, and still use this course to create a more holistic life and career plan.
- Who do I contact if I need more information?
About the Authors
Alex J. Plinio
Alex J. Plinio is the president of Life & Career Planning LLC. His previous positions include serving as CEO of Prudential Annuity Services, president of the Prudential Foundation and president/CEO of AFS-USA, the nation’s largest nonprofit international student exchange program. He is also co-founder of the Institute for Ethical Leadership and the Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Leadership Rutgers Business School. His business experience includes executive positions in marketing, operations and administration, change management and start-ups. He has also regularly engaged in volunteerism and board service.
Melissa A. Smith
Melissa A. Smith is the managing director of Life & Career Planning, LLC. Her previous positions include national sales manager for Easy Spirit Retail Stores and president of Aerosoles Retail Stores. She has also served as the executive director of the Institute for Ethical Leadership at Rutgers Business School. She has deep experience in sales, marketing, training, operations and strategy development, along with board service.