Alicia Malone

Assistant Dean
School of Business and Management


  • BSBA, Rowan University
  • MALS, Thomas Edison State University

Alicia Malone is an assistant dean of the School of Business in Management at Thomas Edison State University, where she focuses on undergraduate business programs.

Malone has more than 20 years of experience in higher education administration working with adult students and enabling them to achieve their academic and professional goals. Prior to her appointment as assistant dean, she held leadership positions in the University's registrar, admissions and academic advising offices.

Malone has presented on prior learning assessment at the University's National Institute on the Assessment of Adult Learning and served as vice president of the American Federation of Teachers Local 4277. She currently serves on key academic committees within the University.

Malone earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Rowan University and a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies from Thomas Edison State University.